Areivut Hatorah

Areivut HaTorah is a dynamic multi-faceted network that sets up and maintains Torah learning programs for working professionals. Customized learning programs are created at various locations, from offices to homes, and cater to all levels so that participants can learn according to their needs. Schedules range from pre-work (early morning) sessions, to mid-morning classes, to evening shiurim.
Areivut HaTorah operates in the newer, rapidly expanding areas of Beit Shemesh which includes many Olim Chadashim who benefit tremendously from our programs. Our activities cross community boundaries, thereby fostering unity and Ahavat Yisrael. New individuals and families are moving into the area all the time. To meet the growing need of these and other neighborhoods throughout Bet Shemesh, we are expanding our activities in a number of new directions and locations. Programs are offered separately for men and women.
Our setup enables us to work in conjunction with all local communities in the area as we endeavor to enhance and add to their existing learning facilities.
New Projects:
Beshivtecha Bevaisecha
In this novel home-based project, we provide rebbeim to learn with interested baalei battim in their homes. In this way, learning Torah becomes an integral part of family activities, enhancing the home atmosphere. The children, seeing their father learning at the dining room table, look up to him as a role model in Torah learning.
Sha’arei Ha’ir
A new residential complex has recently opened housing 350 families, many of them traditional or secular. A professionally-trained couple (Ner LaEleph graduates) will move into the complex to assist the youth and connect to the parents, strengthening the family’s Jewish roots and positively impactinng the local residents.